So much is going on right now! So much big finch news.
Firstly, our EPs came back from production! "Home" came home. Five boxes arrived early one morning and it felt soooo great! And a bit unbelievable. From the planning days around Christmas last year, to the search for a way to record it, the Pozible campaign and then the artwork and photography, it's been an exciting, rewarding and fun journey.
Belinda Suzette's artwork is incredibly striking. Mara Ripani's photography is just beautiful.
And well, with the songs in the capable and sure hands of Michael Johnson and Evripedes Evripidou producing and engineering, the album is something we can be truly proud of! We're releasing it really soon on Bandcamp and our launch is at the Chalice Uniting Church, Northcote on Saturday 23rd August with the wonderful and special Domini Forster.
Can you believe it!! We were chosen for the Corner show for Clare Bowditch's Winter Secrets competition! We got the news just before going bush up in Darwin. There was a bit of squealing and dancing. Whatever we imagined it was going to be like, it was twenty times more fun! Clare Bowditch is the most lovely, friendly, fun and relaxed person who made us feel just so relaxed from the moment we turned up at The Corner for the soundcheck. AND we met Adalita, and she is also so friendly and cool and we are total fans of both of them forever! We actually didn't know who Adalita was before that night or heard her music. That's all changed as we've had her album "Adalita" on high rotation all weekend! That last photo above is Mabel being in awe while Adalita is performing to 700 people.
As for our song with Clare, we totally enjoyed it and the audience were great and cheered a lot! How fantastic is this photo!
and finally!! We made a trip to Kakadu and got totally inspired by nature in a big way and we suspect we even spotted a charm of finches in flight (though they could have been honey-eaters)! We borrowed a purple guitar (thanks Caitlin) and besides singing songs around the fire, two new Charm of Finches songs were born. They'll have to wait for the album! Ha!
x from finch central