This morning we drove out to the misty hills outside Melbourne town to record Anna Branford's special request of Wild Mountain Thyme. We're editing now!
Other BIG news: we need your votes! We have entered Clare Bowditch's Winter Secrets Tour competition because we really want to get to sing with her on stage! The entry with the most votes wins that opportunity (plus $1000!).
We did a cover of her song "I Thought You Were God" in the local dog park!
Please go here to vote or even here for an even more direct route!! It looks like the competition is only for Facebookers.
(scroll down the pink column on the grey side bar to find our entry).
There's some tough competition! It ends Friday 27th June. Wish us luck!
Here is the video (but remember to go to the website to vote!):
click here!
Oh, and finally, we recorded a bonus track as part of the Pozible rewards, "Girl in the Lighthouse", and it is now able to be listened to (and downloaded) on Bandcamp. Exciting! Hope you enjoy the song. It's a different style of songwriting for us.
Here's the link:
x Mabel and Ivy